Swedes suspect in cow deaths
Published on 25/11/2014
With more than an 200 cows dead or left with liver and kidney damage, and no definitive answer about the cause, farmers are nervous about what to plant over coming weeks for next winter’s crop. See Ian Blackman’s comments in the October issue of NZ Dairy...
Chris has been appointed to the Geyser Community Foundation Board of Trustees
Published on 21/11/2014
The Geyser Community Foundation exists for the purpose of ensuring charitable gifts in the Rotorua and Taupo districts are managed as originally intended. People can leave money for the benefit of the Rotorua and Taupo communities generally, or set up their own named endowment fund and...
Alterations and Additions to your Cross-Lease Property
Published on 20/09/2014
For those of our clients who have an off-farm investment in the form of a cross-lease residential, rental or bach property, this article is for you. Often, there comes a time where you decide that you would like to add another bedroom, extend the living area...
Listing your Property for Sale?
Published on 17/09/2014
Holding open homes, getting the right price, moving, and finding another property can all be stressful. Before you embark on that process there is one important matter that should be given some serious thought, and that is the terms of the listing authority (or agency...
Averaging of Pay in the Rural Sector – Timesheets are Essential
Published on 20/08/2014
A topical issue for many farmers is the common industry practice of averaging wages for employees over the season. There are many reasons why averaging of hours is preferred. It is difficult to anticipate the hours that an employee will spend working because of the seasonal...
Published on 20/08/2014
It is becoming increasingly common for lenders (usually banks) to require third parties to give guarantees for the obligations of a borrower. Where the borrower is associated with other entities the bank wants to ensure that securities given to the bank by the other entities...
Thinking of building a new home on your farm?
Published on 20/07/2014
As your farming business grows and you need extra accommodation on your property for additional staff, a manager or a sharemilker, you may consider building a new home on your property. While building a new home can be an exciting time, it may also become stressful...
LawTalk Article dated 23 May 2014 on Sandy Van Den Heuvel
Published on 26/05/2014
Jumping the fence -Growing up Sandy Van Den Heuvel never considered one day she would go to university. “It wasn’t encouraged, it wasn’t something my family had done,” she says. So, when, after two decades as a legal executive Ms Van Den Heuvel decided to embark on a...
New Contract Milking Agreement
Published on 03/03/2014
BlackmanSpargo has revised its contract milking agreement. The new agreement contains a number of clauses which are not available under the Federated Farmers’ Contract Milking Agreement 2011. The significant advantages to the BlackmanSpargo contract milking agreement are: The agreement recognises that many contract milkers will be forming...
Ian Blackman’s book – Keeping Farming in the Family
Published on 25/02/2014
In December 2011, I wrote a book called “Keeping Farming in the Family – a guide to farm succession”. My motivation for committing a lot of time and effort to this venture was a compelling desire to help farming families understand how farmland in this...
Independent trustees deemed to have the same intention of the other trustees, even if that intention was unknown
Published on 20/02/2014
A topic of continual interest and discussion is the use of the family trusts in New Zealand to undertake business transactions. Such trusts are commonly referred to as trading trusts. A likely outcome of the New Zealand Law Commission’s review of trusts are higher standards to...
Protecting Your Deposit
Published on 20/02/2014
The Environment With the economic downturn and many businesses still struggling to make ends meet, inevitably some businesses are still at risk of failing. In this environment, it is important for farmers to understand the risks associated with paying large deposits for goods or services. The Rationale So...