Fencing, Trespassing Stock and Wandering Stock
Published on 27/10/2022
With spring now here and plenty of calves and lambs running around, stock control will be an important consideration on every farmer’s mind. On-farm, stock control comes down to adequate fencing appropriate for the type of stock you are containing. However, the law around fencing...
Say “Goodbye” to the Nitrogen Reference Point
Published on 23/10/2020
March 2020 saw most New Zealanders locked down by a global pandemic, but the rural industry was still very much “business as usual”. During the lockdown period, there were some big changes to the Healthy Rivers Proposed Plan Change 1 (“PC1”), but one overarching factor...
MyMilk is coming to the North Island
Published on 19/02/2020
MyMilk is a wholly owned company of Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited (“Fonterra”). It was set up to secure the supply of milk and does not require the supplier to purchase Fonterra shares. MyMilk is a great opportunity for suppliers to supply Fonterra without incurring the cost...
Mycoplasma bovis (M. bovis)
Published on 31/08/2018
The farming industry and its advisors are concerned about the impact of M. bovis on their farming operation, livestock and livelihood, irrespective of the amount of compensation that may be available from the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI). While the industry is endeavouring to work towards...
Dairy Farm Transactions and Fonterra
Published on 24/04/2018
It is an opportune time to share with you, potential issues farmers need to consider when buying and selling dairy farms that supply Fonterra....
Sponsors of NZ Dairy Industry Awards 2017
Published on 17/03/2017
We are proud to again sponsor this year’s NZ Dairy Industry Awards for the Auckland/Hauraki, Waikato, Central Plateau and Bay of Plenty districts. What a great few nights we’ve had at the award evenings...
Waikato Regional Council and Healthy Rivers
Published on 26/11/2016
There has been a large amount of publicity on the Waikato Regional Council’s Plan Change 1 for the Healthy Rivers On-Farm Project. This is commonly referred to as Healthy Rivers...
Guest Blog by Brad Markham & Matthew Herbert – 2016 Auckland/Hauraki Share Farmers of the Year
Published on 03/11/2016
I was chatting to a mate about mating the other day when it dawned on me that we wouldn’t know each other if it wasn’t for the Dairy Industry Awards. People enter the high-profile competition for various reasons. Some 50/50 sharemilkers and contract milkers put themselves forward...
Investing in Land
Published on 15/04/2016
In these rather uncertain times for farmers, and especially dairy farmers, I thought you might be interested in the article by Jim Rickards entitled “Three Ways Old Money Hangs Onto Its Riches”. Jim Rickards is an American lawyer with interesting and novel views on investing...
Income Equalisation Scheme – Inland Revenue tax relief for farmers
Published on 20/03/2016
The Inland Revenue is offering tax relief to farmers in response to the dairy price downturn. If the drop in the dairy price is having a significant impact on your financial position and you have made deposits into the income equalisation scheme, you should talk to...
Fonterra Interest-Free Loans and Fringe Benefit Tax
Published on 20/09/2015
A co-operative is about members standing together to help each other. Fonterra is ably demonstrating this co-operative spirit by offering a loan to its suppliers of 50 cents per share interest free, until 31 May 2017. Some owners are concerned about the financial viability of their...